Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Health Care Needs Real Reform

Look, the way health care works now is a fee for service process. That, along with malpractice lawsuits, creates a huge incentive for providers to give you as many services (such as tests, medication, etc.) as possible so that they can list them and charge for them. If there is the slightest reason for a service, it will be provided and charged. Patients do not understand medicine enough to refuse certain services that are probably unnecessary and since the insurance company pays, there's no incentive for patients to refuse all the services that are given to them even if they were educated enough to understand which is ridiculous.

What are the profits to insurance companies as a whole? From

According to many on the left, health insurance companies are sleazy and unethical, making obscene profits by charging high prices to sick people, giving physicians and patients the runaround to avoid paying bills, and rescinding policies just when people who paid in good faith get cancer, while their executives often walk away with millions in compensation. Last year, health insurance companies did rack up big profits, but it turns out that the combined profits of the country’s five largest for-profit health insurance companies — United, WellPoint, Aetna, Humana and Cigna — were $11.7 billion, only 0.5 percent of total health care spending. Even confiscating every penny of those profits would add up to less than half of the cost-saving threshold. And even not-for-profit insurance companies need to have an operating margin — a profit by another name. There just isn’t enough money there to make a dent in health care spending.

It's not "greed" by insurance or phara or doctors, the problem is that there is no mechanism to restrict health care services on a cost/benefit level. This applies to doctors as well. A doctor never thinks about the cost of the care he recommends and if it provides enough benefit. That's just not the way they are taught, they are there to cure or fix your problem regardless of cost. That's why end-of-life care cost so much. A doctor will simply not say that it's not worth the hundreds of thousands to try and cure your disease when it's very likely, but not 100% certain, that you will die in 2 years anyway. That simply isn't done and so we have all these expensive treatments and surgeries and the patient dies in a year anyway.

People have to be made to accept that we need to do a cost/benefit analysis and start denying care if the costs aren't worth the projected benefits. Right now people are outraged when care is denied and it's understandable. People will want a treatment that extends life for an average of 6 months even if it costs $100,000 if the costs are paid by someone else. We need to move to a system where those treatments are denied unless the patient pays for the entire cost themselves. For those who want government control of the health care sector, that's exactly what will happen and what Britain already does. And you cannot sue the government in those countries if they deny you a service, such as a test, even if that test would have discovered the disease you eventually die of. That's what keeps costs down in those countries. We may have to move toward such a system if people cannot accept the cost/benefit method naturally.

Put it this way, NOTHING can prevent you from death. There is no cure, YOU WILL DIE EVENTUALLY. The goal is to get people to accept that it is not worth hundreds of thousands to try and extend your life by a couple of months on average when you are going to die anyway. This is a very harsh view and statement, but a practical one and one that needs to be adopted.

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