Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Paulson Deserves Praise

Paulson should be commended for making the right moves to get us out of the crisis. Each time, he was ahead of the curve, he asked Congress for TARP before the crisis actually hit the entire financial system, but Congress took its sweet time debating for a week and then voted no. He asked for a lot of new powers, but did it in many increments because there was just no way Congress would consent to authorize all that he knew he would need, at once.

People criticize him for not rescuing Lehman, but don't take into consideration the political impossibility of bailing out both AIG and Lehman at the time. Only after things got worse and people saw the effects of the crisis were they willing to concede that Paulson needed all that power and money.

I say this with all honesty, it's really too bad that people always have conspiracy theories and look through a political filter. Paulson should be thanked for taking the personal abuse and for putting his ego aside and begging Pelosi on his knees, to authorize TARP because he knew that a failure to authorize would destroy the US financial system and cause another depression.

A less competent would not have come up with TARP and understood that he needed a "bazooka", though it was politically impossible to ask for several trillion all at once. A less competent person would have been frozen in fear and asked too little or waited for the crisis to force a move, rather than try and move ahead of the crisis.

For the critics, I ask what he should have done instead? Let's put impossible demands, like prevent the crisis, aside, since he's isn't God and he didn't arrive at Treasury until the bubble was already in full bloom.

Sometimes it saddens me to see so many people so unreasonable and with such a distorted view. If it's on an event that really doesn't matter, then I just shrug it off, but this was a genuine moment where we could have fallen off of a cliff into disaster. That this man is not getting any credit for saving us from another great depression is simply unfair. Was he perfect, no, but he was about as perfect as you can be without the benefit of hindsight and in a crisis without precedence. Give the man the recognition he deserves.

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